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    2.7 GPA Colleges

    An unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 2.7 means a student has earned mostly low B's in high school.

    There are colleges all over the country that accept students with a 2.7 GPA.

    Dreaming of New York City? Take a look at Berkeley College in Manhattan, Medgers Egers , a city university in Brooklyn, or Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology in Queens.

    Love the sunshine? Check out Florida Memorial University or Albizu University Miami in Florida or Chowan University in North Carolina.

    If your GPA is 2.7 or under, you may also want to look at two-year schools. Community colleges are an affordable way to bring up your GPA before transferring into a four-year school.

    森林舞会老虎机_mg电子游戏官网-电玩城下载 schools that accept students with 2.7 GPA. Or check out the community college forum for advice on two-year schools.


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